Principal Message


Everybody says- Mistake is the first step of SUCCESS, but fact is that CORRECTION in mistake is the first step towards success.

I believe that as an educator my first and foremost duty is to educate and guide our students with positive attitude to achieve their goals. At L’il Champs International School our priority is to provide consistent  innovative and high quality learning experiences that enriches the lives of our students.

Education means a lot in everyone’s life as it facilitates our learning, knowledge and skills. It completely changes our mind and personality and helps us to attain the positive attitudes. We should give importance to the education compare to other targets in life as it is the only source of real happiness in our life.

Motivation and support are the main two pillars to complete any target. Yes! Teacher is the only person who gives appropriate knowledge, guidance and different way of thinking to our children. Teachers illuminate the future of their pupils through process of learning, to share their personals experiences, to tell them facts and to set an example in front of them that how to react in different kinds of situations.

I assure that in L’il Champs International School our teachers pay special attention on individual child and try to find the hidden qualities of everyone. L’il Champs coeducational environment reflects the world in which our students will live and work. Beyond mastering academic disciplines, LCIS. students are taught to respect all people and be honest with everyone.

 L.C.I.S. is committed to developing students of high academic achievement, intellectual curiosity, and strong moral character. Through education we try to help our students to think differently, to discover the impossible, to travel the unexplored path and to conquer the problems of life courageously to succeed in life. The practical experience of learning enables our children to complete their school schedule daily with either something in their hands, in their mind and specially in their heart. 

So let’s stand together to create a society of progressive, thinking individuals who will contribute to the intellectual development of the global community.


